The Bible consists of 66 Books (from Genesis to Revelation), each divided into chapters and each of those further divided into verses. The chapter and verse divisions are not part of the original text however they help us find specific parts of the Bible. Genesis 2:2-24 means the book of Genesis, the 2nd chapter and from verse 2 to verse 24.
John 8:1-10 – Jesus Forgives Woman Caught In Adultery
Mark 4:35-41 – Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 5:1-20 – Jesus Casts Out Evil Spirits
Luke 5:17-26 – Jesus Forgives and Heals
Luke 7:36-50 – Jesus forgives the prostitute
Luke 18:9-17 – Pharisee & the Tax Collector
Acts 17:16-34 – Sovereign, Creator God the Judge
Matthew 16:21-17:9 – Jesus’ transfiguration & Gospel plan
Luke 22:66-23:25, 23:32-43 – Jesus’ death on the cross
Luke 18:18-30, 19:1-10 – Cost of following Jesus
Matthew 18:21-35 – The merciful King