The Bible consists of 66 Books (from Genesis to Revelation), each divided into chapters and each of those further divided into verses. The chapter and verse divisions are not part of the original text however they help us find specific parts of the Bible. Genesis 2:2-24 means the book of Genesis, the 2nd chapter and from verse 2 to verse 24.
Mark 2:13-17 – A Party at Levi’s
John 3:1-17 – Nicodemus at Night
Mark 5:1-20 – A Transformed Life
Luke 7:37-50 – A Memorable Act
Luke 15:11-32 – The Lost Son Returns
Luke 17:11-19 – Thanks
Luke 18: 9-14 – What God Sees
Luke 19: 1-10 – Coming to Your House
John 4 – Hungry for God
Mark 4:1-20 – Seeds and Soils